Saturday, July 3, 2010

Keep Waiting...

After getting the ring, sometimes I find it pretty hard to keep hiding it and not proposing it... There are different occassions where I want to present the ring. Sometimes those occassions are not so pleasant, others are better.

The not-so-good occassions are when I keep hearing complaints about how we've been together for so long and I have no plans, no progress, nothing. It's just so hard to put all this effort behind the scenes and keep holding off just to have the perfect proposal. Complaints turn into agruments and there has been several times where I just want to get the ring and present it and tell her all the time and effort I have put into this. There was once or twice when I was really that close to doing it. But I was able to control my emotions and hold back. Sometimes I think to myself, if I had presented it, it wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe that's memorable and the spontaneous nature of it would've made it special. Still I wanted to go with my plan of doing it in a somewhat public and beautiful place =)

Then there are those pleasant occassions where I just feel it's about time and don't want to wait any longer. Trust me, if I could, I would've already done it. It's just I put so much time and effort that I don't want it to happen somewhere and sometime that I didn't plan on having it. But sometimes I think, good things are not meant to be waited for and put on hold for. That's why I really can't wait sometimes and just want to give her the ring....

Well, we'll just wait and see how it goes...

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